Epic Movement SLO
FALL 2023
Epic Movement San Luis Obispo is a Christian college ministry located on the campus of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. I was commissioned by members of the leadership team to design a logo that would be used for merch and future club content.
I started attending Epic Movement during my freshman year of college, so this project was very close to my heart. I wanted to create an aesthetic design that incorporated the theme of stargazing, as it is a beloved tradition among students in the club.
The leadership team wanted the design to be embroidered on a sweatshirt, which meant that the design had to be simple and involve a limited color palette. I compiled a handful of designs that I thought were simple, bold, and timeless. 
After some experimentation, I found a retro, serif typeface and played with the idea of people sitting on the letters to enjoy the starry sky. In the background are the outlines of Madonna Mountain and Bishop Peaks, two famous hiking/stargazing spots in SLO.
The serif typeface was too formal, so I replaced it with an italicized san-serif typeface. Italics communicate movement and progress, which fits with the club's mission and values. I also made "Epic" all lowercase because everyone in the club texts this way.
The design felt sterile and corporate, so I replaced the mountain outlines with the silhouette of Bishop Peaks to add more personality. I also colored the mountain silhouette and the word "MOVEMENT" with a tint of blue to create visual hierarchy.
Close to 80 students purchased merch, raising $740 for future club events. In addition, the new logo gained traction in the community, as students used it to decorate tumblers, tote bags, and stickers.